DIY Tutorials Responsive Website
Case Study


This website assists DIY enthusiasts in connecting with the DIY community and selecting suitable projects by providing various criteria for them to choose from.

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Project Overview


June 2022 - August 2022

My Roles

I’m a UX/UI designer taking part of all of the all process and steps.

My Responsibilities

  • Research
  • User Flow
  • Persona Mapping
  • Competitive Analysis
  • User Journey Map
  • Low-Fidelity Wireframes
  • High-Fidelity Mockups
  • Prototoyping

The Problem

Users attempt to navigate through the project using scattered and unclear step-by-step tutorials from various websites, lacking consistent criteria

The Goal

Assist users in discovering clear, step-by-step DIY tutorials through search filters and enable them to connect with the DIY community on a user-friendly website.

Understanding The User

User Research

I conducted interviews and crafted empathy maps to gain insights into the users I am designing for and their needs. Through research, I identified a key user group: enthusiasts seeking tutorials to assist them with their upcoming projects.

Users encountered difficulties while researching project ideas on multiple websites, facing challenges in finding the desired information. They struggled with decisions about the necessary tools and materials for their projects, resulting in decreased motivation before initiating the project, despite anticipating an enjoyable experience.

Pain Points


Locating clear and helpful tutorials in one place can be challenging.


Searching for additional resources to address changes or meet expectations is a time-consuming process


Determining the skill level and estimated time required can be challenging when following DIY tutorials.


Finding comprehensive and user-friendly tutorials in a single location, and learning through interaction with other users, can be a struggled.

User Personas

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website
DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Empathy Maps

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website
DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

User Journey Map

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Competitive Analysis

My goal is to identify my key competitors and review the products of my competitors and find their gaps in this competitive audit.

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website


The primary challenges included insufficient search capabilities and a lack of clear tutorials on DIY websites. Keeping these issues in mind, I designed the sitemap to address these concerns.

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Starting The Design

Paper Wireframes

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

I wanted to ensure that users could be searching the project name that they were inspired by something and could be browsing the details.

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website
DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Responsive Variations

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website
DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Usability Study : Parameters

Usability Study



20-30 Minutes


United States, Remote


4 participants

Usability Study: Findings

I conducted an unmoderated usability study with 4 participants. Research goals are determining if users can complete core tasks and making sure the user flow is correct if the app has any pain points in the whole process of the task flow. These pain points below are items that users have determined.

01 Search Bar

I moved the search bar from the hero section to the header section, so that users could access it easily.

02 Create Post Button

Some users wanted to create a project easily so I put on the "create a post" button on the header section.

03 Project Time

Some users wanted to see the total time of project info on the project content box.

04 Search on Community Forum

Some users are frustrated about not searching feature on the forum page.

Refining The Design

High Fidelity Mockups

Responsive Variations

DIY Tutorials Responsive Website
DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Design System


DIY Tutorials Responsive Website


DIY Tutorials Responsive Website


DIY Tutorials Responsive Website


DIY Tutorials Responsive Website

Accessibility Considerations


The color scheme passed WebAIM WCAG norms.


Used icons to help make navigation easier.


Any user would be able to adjust font size from the setting menu on the account page.

Going Forward



I hope this design successfully eliminates the major pain points and creates a clear, intuitive, and understandable user experience.

What I Learned

I learned that user experience is the priority in designing an app. Usability studies and participant’s feedbacks influence each design iteration of the app.

Next Steps


Conduct more usability research studies for potential pain points to improve.


Conduct more user research to determine any new feature of the app.


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