Food Truck Delivery App
Case Study


The Foodruck app assists users in discovering local food trucks and placing orders for street food in their city.

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

Project Overview


March 2022 - June 2022

My Roles

I’m a UX/UI designer taking part of all of the all process and steps.

My Responsibilities

  • Research
  • User Flow
  • Persona Mapping
  • Competitive Analysis
  • User Journey Map
  • Low-Fidelity Wireframes
  • High-Fidelity Mockups
  • Prototoyping

The Problem

Some individuals often crave local food-truck meals. While certain food-truck ordering apps exclusively offer a pick-up option, others fail to meet the needs of users who require a delivery option. Currently, there is a shortage of apps that allow users to order local street food online.

The Goal

The Foodruck app enables users to order local food-truck meals online, providing a convenient option for those who prefer enjoying these meals at home. Users can effortlessly order and pick up their favorite dishes from the food vendor of their choice.

Understanding The User

User Research

I conducted interviews to gain insights into the needs of the users for whom I am designing. One primary user group I identified during my research comprises working adults who, due to time constraints, are unable to prepare their meals.

This user group has validated initial assumptions about food truck customers. They desire easy and affordable online food ordering without any doubts about the food quality. However, finding the right food truck appears to be a challenge for them. My mission is to enhance the usability and overall user experience of food truck delivery application.

Pain Points


Busy professionals often find it challenging to allocate time for cooking their meal.


They would like to find out the current location of the food trucks, eliminating the need to search around for them.


Most platforms don't offer detailed order tracking.

User Personas

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

User Journey Map

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

Competitive Analysis

My audit goal is to compare the ordering a of food truck delivery apps available in the US.

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

Starting The Design

Paper Wireframes

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

User Flow

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

Usability Study: Findings

I conducted an unmoderated usability study with 5 participants. Research goals are determining if users can complete core tasks and making sure the user flow is correct if the app has any pain points in the whole process of the task flow.

Round 1 Findings
  • Users wanted to see foods and food trucks in search results.
  • Users wanted to click payment button without adding the payment option.
  • Users wanted to see the order's status stages on the order's tracking page.
Round 2 Findings
  • Users wanted to see the most popular foods at vendors on the search results page.
  • If there is a saved payment method, users wanted to see “add payment method” button.
  • Users wanted to go to the orders page after placing an order.

Based on the insights from the usability study, I enhanced the app to showcase the most popular foods from vendors directly on the search results page. These popular foods are now presented as clickable labels within the vendor's container.

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

I made some changes to the payment section. If users have a saved payment method, they will see an "Add Payment Method" button.

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

Refining The Design

High Fidelity Mockups

ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website
ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

Design System


ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website


ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website


ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website


ParentBuddy App and Responsive Website

Accessibility Considerations


The color scheme passed WebAIM WCAG norms.


Used icons to help make navigation easier.


Any user would be able to adjust font size from the setting menu on the account page.

Going Forward



I hope this design successfully eliminates the major pain points and creates a clear, intuitive, and understandable user experience.

What I Learned

I learned that user experience is the priority in designing an app. Usability studies and participant’s feedbacks influence each design iteration of the app.

Next Steps


Conduct more usability research studies for potential pain points to improve.


Conduct more user research to determine any new feature of the app.


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